Stevens County Historical Society

Cemetery Database

There are twenty-eight cemeteries in Stevens County, Minnesota. Back in the late 1970’s the Stevens County Historical Society and Stevens County Genealogical Society began transcribing and digitizing the records. Cemetery records are kept by sextons or township officers and information available varies by cemetery. SCHS tries to keep the list current, and the contact information is available in our archive.

Full size maps, obituaries, photographs and other information may also be available in the historical society research archive. Data from all of the twenty-eight cemeteries has been transcribed and are now available for searching, by clicking here. You cannot copy and paste the data, but you can print it.

In addition to thousands of volunteer hours and scores of SCHS paid staff hours, a portion of the funding for putting the SCHS Historical Collections onto the internet was provided by a Broadband Technical Opportunities Program (BTOP) grant from the US Department of Commerce, under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. SCHS received these funds through a grant from the C.K. Blandin Foundation and the Stevens County Economic Improvement Commission, Inc. (SCEIC).

Click here to view the Cemetery Records.